Sus­tain­abil­ity Promise

We have so for­tu­nate to be so busy since we first opened as a fam­ily restau­rant and always wel­comed chil­dren who we have always been seen as future guests

But as we see the end of pan­demic a even greater threat has arrived as we see the effects of cli­mate change which will effect future lives for those children.

Although it now appear too late to stop it, the chal­lenge is now to quickly embrace changes to ensure the next gen­er­a­tion that will have a planet this is some way habitable.

We look for­ward to the chal­lenge as well as help­ing others


Lib­erty Grill has made it a key pur­pose to con­tin­u­ously strive towards envi­ron­men­tal impact reduction.

  • Lib­erty strives towards a zero (food) waste goal with use of stock pot cut­tings as well as mak­ing all dishes in small batches to avoid such waste.
  • We use 98% com­postable pack­ag­ing for all take­away /​deliv­ery orders.
  • Over the last 4 years have invested in a Lin­cat Vortech Fry­ers and a Syn­ergy Grill which has reduced our energy usage by half. We are look­ing to invest in induc­tion tech­nol­ogy to see can achieve fur­ther reductions
  • We are cur­rently inves­ti­gated get­ting involved in a plan to off­set our car­bon con­sump­tion and look for­ward to updat­ing you when we can put this in place
  • We com­post but this is lim­ited by the waste com­pa­nies not get­ting on board so we can increase the fre­quency of pick ups. We intend to reduce our land­fill this year min­i­mum on our return to reopening
  • We aim to increase our veg­e­tar­ian and vegan offer­ing as we begin the turn away from meat.
  • Over the last cou­ple of year we have begun to omit seafood items like salmon, tuna, farmed fish (Sea Bass & Sea Bream) as well as scal­lops as the dam­age to the envi­ron­ment is so great that turn­ing a blind eye was no longer accept­able. We are cur­rently research­ing fur­ther area of marine con­cern but accept their are local fish­er­men who must be kept in the loop as they will be needed to farm the sea sus­tain­ably in the future
  • The major­ity of our wines are in the whole organic and vegan, the wine indus­try use of Her­bi­cides (Roundup) which is totally out of pro­por­tion to the acres of land in use
  • Mar­i­anne Delaney the co-​owner of Lib­erty Grill sits on Cork Food Pol­icy coun­cil which seeks to influ­ence local food pol­icy to fol­low best prac­tices in devel­op­ing a healthy, sus­tain­able and resilient food sys­tem


Lib­erty Grill has made it a key pur­pose to take care of all its employ­ees and its sur­round­ing com­mu­nity as far as possible.

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